An active status Extended Range Cavern Diving Instructor may conduct the Extended Range Cavern Diving program.
- They may use a Twinset Total Diving System as outlined in the SSI Training Standards if they have the Extended Range Instructor (Twinset) or Extended Range Foundations Instructor (Twinset) certification.
- They may use a Sidemount Total Diving System as outlined in the SSI Training Standards if they have the Recreational Sidemount Diving Specialty Instructor certification.
- They may use a CCR or SCR Total Diving system as outlined in the SSI Training Standards if they have the applicable CCR or SCR Diving Instructor certification and the CCR or SCR Diving certification on the unit used by the student.
Note | The SSI Professional teaching the program must have an instructor certification in the equipment configuration used by the student.
Have at least one (1) of the following SSI certifications or an equivalent from a recognized training agency:
Students participating in this program must use at least one of the following equipment configurations:
- Maximum open water depth limit: 40 meters or the maximum certification depth of the diver, whichever is shallower.
- Complete all academic sessions and assessments as outlined in the instructor manual for Overhead Environment.
- Complete at least one (1) dry land skill development session as outlined in the instructor manual for Overhead Environment.
- Complete at least one (1) pool/confined water skill development session with a minimum cumulative time of at least one (1) hour as outlined in the instructor manual for Overhead Environment.
- Complete at least four (4) overhead training dives as outlined in the instructor manual for Overhead Environment.
- All in-water training must be planned within the no-decompression limits of the student’s dive computer, dive planning software, or the SSI Combined Air/EAN Tables.
- CCR bailout cylinders must have enough gas for the diver to return to the surface from the deepest planned penetration point, based on a SAC rate of 40 liters per minute for the duration of the first bailout gas.
- SCR cylinders must have enough gas for the diver to return to the surface from the deepest planned penetration point, based on a SAC rate of 40 liters per minute for the duration of the first bailout gas plus an additional 30 liters per minute in SCR failure mode.
Note | Refer to the page on “Combining Overhead Programs” for gas reserve and decompression rules when conducting combined programs.
- All overhead-specific skills must be conducted in an overhead environment as outlined in the program’s instructor manual.
- All overhead training dives must be conducted in water with at least five (5) meters of visibility at the start of the dive.
- Penetrations must be limited to the daylight zone, as defined in the SSI General Training Standards.
- The pool/confined water skill development session may only be conducted after the student successfully completes the equipment configuration session and the dry land skill development session.
- Overhead Training Dives 1 and 2 may only be conducted after the student successfully completes the XR Water Fitness Evaluation, and all pool/confined water skill development sessions.
- Overhead Training Dives 3 and 4 may only be conducted after the student successfully completes all academic sessions and Overhead Training Dives 1 and 2.
Upon completion of all academic and in-water requirements, the SSI Professional may issue the program’s digital certification card.
- The Extended Range Cavern Diving certification may be credited to the dry-land skill development session, the pool/confined water skill development session, and Overhead Environment Training Dives 1 and 2 of the Extended Range Wreck Diving program or the Extended Range Mine Diving program, if the program begins within 180 days of completing the Extended Range Cavern Diving program.
- Issuing credit is entirely at the instructor’s discretion. If credit is issued, the instructor must either have direct and recent knowledge (within 180 days) of the student’s abilities, or the instructor must conduct both a pool/confined water session and at least one evaluation dive prior to any dives in an actual overhead environment.