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The SSI Philosophy

Ваш ССИ сертификат

Шта значи стицање ССИ сертификата?
Сертификат који стекнете завршетком обуке испуњава и превазилази глобално признате стандарде безбедности и квалитета.
These standards are established by the International Standards Organization (ISO), the Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC), and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
Your SSI Dive Center is part of an international SSI Family dedicated to the highest standards of safety and education. This family includes SSI Dive Professionals, SSI Dive Centers and Resorts, and divers like yourself.
ССИ је лидер у индустрији од свог оснивања 1970. године и стално унапређује материјале и технике за обуку како би побољшао вашу личну безбедност и искуство.
You can visit any SSI Dive Center around the world and be confident that you will receive a high-quality diving education experience, focused on building and enhancing your comfort and confidence.
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